Since 2019, every April 24th, we celebrate the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace to promote the three fundamental pillars of the UN, among which we highlight: sustainable development, peace, and security, as well as the protection of human rights in the world.

But what do we mean by multilateralism? It represents the joint work of nations to solve problems of mutual interest, which can only be addressed through collaboration to offer an effective solution to those affected.

It is worth noting that both the Charter of the United Nations and dispute resolution principles between countries contemplate multilateralism. Its establishment and protection are now of paramount importance, given its relationship with the sustainable development objectives of all worldwide nations, since only through active collaboration among them can the economic growth of all countries be guaranteed.

However, a multilateral system works as long as nations have clearly defined goals and objectives to emphasize key issues for the prevalence of peace. Some of these issues are:

  • Having precise solutions to address climate change.
  • The different challenges and methods of dispute resolution in the face of growing geopolitical tensions.
  • Putting into perspective solutions to humanitarian and migratory crises, which are enduring and expanding among nations.

Today, the pandemic serves as a grim reminder of the interconnectivity of societies on a global scale. Covid-19 knows no borders and represents the global challenge par excellence. This also applies to climate change, another great challenge, which we must face together as human beings and continue to work hand in hand to find sustainable solutions to achieve a successful energy transition.